What does concrete answer mean?

Refer to a particular; specific, not general or abstract. Concrete also means neither abstract nor imaginary, which means that it is not a thought or concept, but something real. It can also mean significant or, as Google says, definitive or conclusive. The terms concrete answer and concrete answer are synonymous (terms with similar meaning).

These example sentences are automatically selected from various online news sources to reflect the current usage of the word “concrete”. Early usage was also as a grammatical term that designated a quality belonging to a substance (usually expressed by an adjective such as white on white paper) as opposed to quality itself (expressed by an abstract noun such as whiteness); later concrete was used to refer to nouns that incorporate attributes (e.g.

Karl Santin
Karl Santin

Typical pop culture maven. Tv trailblazer. Certified zombie trailblazer. Total zombie enthusiast. Certified zombie expert.